KissAnime is another famous site to stream your favorite anime series or movies and other Asian content like Korean, Thai, or Chinese dramas and movies. The monthly plan is priced at $9.99 per month, and the annual plan is billed at $79.99 ($6.66 per month). For ad-free premium anime streaming, it offers a plan which can be billed either monthly or yearly. Plus, it also lists every Anime in episode number convention with mentioning arcs and seasons. It always finishes the series no matter how low demand it has. Also, the best part is Crunchyroll does not drop any anime that it is publishing.

The Crunchyroll members-only store offers discounts throughout all your devices with Crunchyroll premium. It also stocks exclusive original anime series and novel extras like manga shops and apparel. It is so popular because of its immense collection of anime movies and series.